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All About ME

Amy Prieto is a student attending Miami Arts Studio for about two years now and is in the Tech Production magnet . Amy really has high expectations for her future and tries really hard in all of her classes

World Traveler

One of my goals is to become a world traveler. I've wanted to pursue this dream/goal because I have always wanted to travel the world and take pictures to then take them in and recreate them.

Computer Systems Analyst

My second goal would be to become a Computer Systems Analyst . This is because it is a hybrid of information technology and business and lucky for me I like to do all those things. 

Web Developer

My third goal would be to become a web developer. I really am fascinated on how many people make websites from scratch. Also how to be in charge of writing the code in programming languages such as HTML and CSS.

Computer Programmer

I would like to one day become a computer programmer. This would be because programmers can also rewrite, debug, maintain and test software and programs that instruct the computer to accomplish certain tasks, such as storing or retrieving data, so the computer can perform better and more efficiently.


Amy Prieto is a student attending Miami Arts Studio for about two years now and is in the Tech Production magnet . Amy really has high expectations for her future and tries really hard in all of her classes. She has many goals waiting to achieve and is eager to learn. Amy is always willing to help those who can't help themselves and thrives to master perfection.

Her famiy is really supportive of all her work and encourages her to do her best. Amy and her family like to spend time together by going on family trips. When Amy usually goes on trips, she likes to venture out and see things she won't see again. She really enjoys every opportunity offered to her and tries to make the best out of them. Amy has also been  entered in the Miami Dade County  Youth Fair contest for a two sided tri-fold brochure and has won 1st place and recieved a prize of $8.

Not only is Amy a hard worker but she will complete any task given to her. All in all, Amy loves to be doing something complex to give her a challenge and she likes to please to master her tasks.